Triangle Associates Community Assessment (Executive Summary) 04/09/1982
Results from soil contamination study of King County
Tacoma Smelter Plume.Arsenic and lead levels are considered to be of concern, not an emergency....
2021 Community Project Orwall Healthy Schools-A School Based Air Quality Intervention_0001
Sea-Tac Airport Air Monitoring 11/09 Study
A landing page for all studies done to quantify and qualify the various socio-economic, environmental and health impacts to surrounding communities from Sea-Tac Airport since 1971. There are also sections for significant national and International studies that may have a strong connection with the situation at Sea-Tac Airport. Sea-Tac Airport Neighborhoods (B)eacon Hill (F)ederal Way
SKCDOH Community Health and Airport Operations Related Pollution Report December 2020
This study is part of what is broadly known as 'The Commerce Study'. The reference to HB 1109 (2019) refers to the fact that it ...
Stantec: Study of the Current and Ongoing Effects of the Operation of the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport
Stantec and Ricker-Cunningham Prepared for the Washington State Department of Commerce as authorized by ESSB 6032 The Washington State Legislature asked the Department of ...
Ultrafine particles: unique physicochemical properties relevant to health and disease
Hyouk-Soo Kwon, Min Hyung Ryu & Christopher Carlsten Experimental & Molecular Medicine volume 52, pages318–328 (2020)Cite this article 15k Accesses 98 Citations 82 Altmetric Metricsdetails Abstract Ultrafine particles (UFPs) are aerosols with an aerodynamic diameter of 0.1 µm (100 nm) or less. There is a growing concern in the public health community about the contribution of UFPs to human health. Despite their modest mass
Air filters, Pollution and Student Achievement
Michael Gilrane, New York University. This paper identifies the achievement impact of installing air filters in classrooms for the first time....