A Dangerous Illusion Masquerading as a Climate Solution Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) is being promoted as a climate-friendly alternative to traditional jet fuel. The term itself sounds promising—who wouldn’t support making aviation more “sustainable”? But beneath the marketing gloss lies a troubling truth: SAF is, at best, a distraction, and at worst, a calculated maneuver

The Hidden Economics Behind Those $29 Flights

The perverse incentives for communities under the flight path The Seattle Times recently reported that Frontier Airlines will begin offering three new routes from Paine Field in Everett, Washington starting June 2. The budget airline will connect Everett to Denver, Las Vegas, and Phoenix with flights operating three times weekly. What caught many readers’ attention

SAMP Draft EA: How to provide a great public comment

1How to provide effective public comment by December 13, 2024 Because new ways for you to participate will likely become available, this article may be subject to updates. Introduction This is the second of a two-part article concerning the Sustainable Airport Master Plan Draft Environmental Assessment (SAMP Draft EA). If you’re looking for the short

The SAMP Comment Period Explainer (Intro)

2016 rendering of SAMP airfield projects

Preparing for the October 21st Comment Period This is the first of a two-part article concerning the SAMP comment period. We’re including a few paragraphs of background because the process has been so lengthy–with many years of delay. The feedback we’ve received thus far has been confusion, partly because the information on the Port’s official

Stop acting so annoyed!

Changing the noise discussion from personal opinion to public health Annoyance, is the term of art describing  a level of unwanted and/or harmful sound that is not damaging to hearing. That is how it was first used in research literature. We think it’s time to come up with a new term because ‘annoyance’ is dismissive

Port Package Site Visit Follow-Up

What to do next? Thank you for allowing us to inspect your Port Package! You are now part of over 300 homeowners that helped create the Port of Seattle’s upcoming sound insulation update program.  If you would like more background information on how we got here, please read The Port Package Explainer. But for now,

One typical street. Thirteen Port Packages

The changing demography of homes under the flight path Homes mitigated by sound insulation systems represent a large portion of the scarce and highly desirable middle-housing market in the three cities within the DNL65 (Burien, Des Moines, Seatac). This street of thirteen homes is typical of almost every street where people signed Avigation Easements and