
The cute little "β" means that this is beta; a draft. It is not finished and there may be unintentional defects. We only publish beta articles when, in our opinion, the urgency of the moment outweighs our usual obsession over completeness and accuracy.

We believe that the public must always have easy access to a baseline of information in order to ask the right questions. Please let us know as you find errors or omissions.

All that said? Caveat lector.


A landing page for all studies done to quantify and qualify the various socio-economic, environmental and health impacts to surrounding communities from Sea-Tac Airport since 1971.

There are also sections for significant national and International studies that may have a strong connection with the situation at Sea-Tac Airport.

Sea-Tac Airport

Link/TitleShort Description
10/01/1970USDOCAir Pollution By Jet Aircraft at Sea-Tac Airport
06/30/1973SSEnvironmental Systems Laboratory Air Quality Study Of Sea-Tac Airport
05/30/1991SSECYSea-Tac Airport Pollutant Contribution Dept. Of Ecology
01/31/1995SSFinal Air Quality Survey for Sea-Tac AirportAtmospheric Sciences Group McCulley, Frick & Gilman, Inc. 3400 188th Street SW, Suite 400 Lynnwood, WA 98037 An air quality survey of airborne toxic organic compounds and carbon monoxide was conducted in the vicinity of Seattle-Tacoma International (Sea-Tac) Airport Samples were collected during four late fall to early winter days in 1993 at locations
02/28/1997SSSea-Tac International Airport Impact Mitigation Study
1999SSSeaTac Oxides Of Nitrogen and Particulate Matter Study
2000SSAddressing Community Health Concerns Around Sea-Tac Airport 2000Response to the question, “Is it possible to monitor jet engine exhaust emissions or to model their path using data on prevailing winds and takeoff patterns?” Prepared by Washington State Department of Health Washington State Department of Ecology Puget Sound Clean Air Agency In consultation with Public Health – Seattle & King County Sea-Tac Airport
10/31/2003SSPSCAAPuget Sound Air Toxics Evaluation Final ReportThe Puget Sound Clean Air Agency conducted this screening study to identify chemicals and emission sources that pose the greatest potential health risks to citizens in the Puget Sound region. We also hope to better characterize the potential health risks to our three million
2005SSSeattle Greenhouse Gas Inventory Full Report
2006SSSpatial and Temporal Patterns of Airborne Toxic Species in Seattle Neighborhoods
05/20/2009SSSea-Tac Airport Spatial Nitrogen Dioxide Study
10/31/2009SSAircraft Impacts on Local and Regional Air Quality in the United States Partner Project 15 Final Report
07/15/2015SSAir Quality Criteria Pollution Emissions Inventory
12/21/2018BSUWDEOHSBeacon Hill Noise Measurement Project Summer 2018
12/01/2019SSUWDEOHSMobile ObserVations of Ultrafine Particles: The MOV-UP study report
12/01/2020SSSDHCommunity Health and Airport Operations Related Noise and Air Pollution: HB 1109


(B)eacon Hill
(F)ederal Way
(K)ing County
(S)ea-Tac Airport


Some of these papers include sampling (data collection.) Others are analyses of previous sampling. Some results are modeled (ie. based on calculations.)

(A)nalysis of existing studies
(O)riginal Research


ECY Washington State Department Of Ecology
EPA Federal Environmental Protection Agency, Region #10
ESL Environmental Systems Laboratory,  a private environmental consultancy
DOH Washington State Department Of Health
DOHS Seattle Department Of Health
DOHKC King County Department Of Health
LB Landrum Brown, a private environmental consultancy
MFG McCulley, Frick & Gilman,  a private environmental consultancy
Peat, Marwick, Mitchell, a private accounting consultancy
PSCAA Puget Sound Clean Air Agency
UWDEOHS University Of Washington


Link/TitleShort Description
2002Sweden, Cornell University, Hamburg, GermanyA Prospective Study Of Some Effects Of Aircraft Noise On Cognitive Performance In SchoolchildrenHygge-Evans