SEA Airport Managing Director Lyttle to Depart in April for CEO of Greater Orlando Aviation Authority

Seattle-Tacoma International Airport Aviation Managing Director Lance Lyttle has been announced as the next CEO of Greater Orlando Aviation Authority.  “Lance’s commitment to excellence and his ambitious vision changed the airport experience at SEA,” said Port of Seattle Executive Director Stephen Metruck. “SEA has now reached the prestigious 4-Star Airport level from the Skytrax World Airport

Sea-Tac Airport managing director to leave for Orlando

By Nick Pasion – Reporter, Puget Sound Business Journal Mar 19, 2025 Seattle-Tacoma International Airport managing director Lance Lyttle was named the CEO of the Greater Orlando Aviation Authority on Wednesday. Lyttle is now in contract negotiations with the Orlando, Florida, authority but is expected to begin the role in mid-April. Port of Seattle Commission President

Port of Seattle says $337 million in federal grants at risk

Federal grants for upgrades of the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport's S Concourse are at risk, the Port of Seattle said earlier this month. Anthony Bolante | PSBJ

By Nick Pasion – Reporter, Puget Sound Business Journal The Port of Seattle has identified more than $337 million in airport grants at risk under the Trump administration. Elizabeth Morrison, the port’s director of corporate finance, said in a presentation to port commissioners March 11 that the grants are largely included in the agency’s 2025-2029

The Supreme Court Holds the Clean Water Act does not Authorize EPA to Include Receiving Water Limitations in San Francisco’s NPDES Permit

In a decision issued last week, the Supreme Court of the United States held that the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) exceeded its authority by including “receiving water limitations” in a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit, siding with the City and County of San Francisco in City & County of San Francisco

Airport and Nearby Communities Partner on Taking Shared Policy Priorities to First-Ever Olympia Day on the Hill

SEA StART members met with state legislators and Executive Branch staff on new approaches to meeting aviation demand while addressing community concerns March 10, 2025 OLYMPIA, WA — Members of the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (SEA) Stakeholder Advisory Round Table (StART), elected officials and staff from nearby cities, and Port staff traveled to the state capital

Frontier Airlines adds 3 Paine Field routes out of Everett

By  Chase Hutchinson Special to The Seattle TimesHeads up, budget travelers: Starting June 2, Seattle Paine Field International Airport will add three new routes from Frontier Airlines, which will fly to Denver, Las Vegas and Phoenix thrice weekly. The new routes, announced Tuesday morning at Paine Field, connect the Everett airport to Denver International Airport (where