Section 163

Section 163 of the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018 regulates the uses of properties acquired by airport sponsors using FAA funds. These include property buyouts for noise mitigation and other non-aeronautical uses. SEC. 163. LIMITED REGULATION OF NON-FEDERALLY SPONSORED PROPERTY. (a) <> In General.–Except as provided in subsection (b), the Secretary of Transportation may not

Congressional Quiet Skies Caucus Letter To FAA Administrator Steve Dickson re DNL65


Currently, FAA law has extremely complicated rules for establishing a noise boundary around airports. (A noise boundary is a geographic area inside which there is a certain acceptable noise level.) This is referred to as the DNL65. and it has several major flaws. The FAA Reauthorization Act Of 2018 attempted to address these flaws in several ways. This letter, from a caucus of Congressmen engaged on airport community issues complains to the Administrator that the spirit of the law is not being adhered to and demands that he make attempts to put his agency into compliance. The language is fairly technical, however there are a couple of basic points they raise: First, that the noise boundary be determined by actual noise measurements (currently the noise boundaries are 'modeled' and those calculations often do not reflect in any way the lived experience for residents.) Second, that the 'acceptable' noise level of sixty five decibels (hence DNL65) has been determined to be far too high to conform with current understandings of healthy living.

Currently, FAA law has extremely complicated rules for establishing a noise boundary around airports. (A noise boundary is a geographic area inside which there is ...