Tribes call for national ban on salmon-killing chemical in car tires

by John Ryan Three Northwest tribes have petitioned the federal government to ban a salmon-killing chemical found in tires and urban streams worldwide. As car and truck tires wear and leave behind skid marks and tire dust, the rubber stabilizer known as 6PPD turns into 6PPD-quinone (also called 6PPD-q), one of the most toxic substances

The Fourth Runway

We’ve begun using the term “Fourth Runway” to describe two large projects (SR-509 and the Sustainable Airport Master Plan) as one system, which they are. The two projects have always been part of a regional plan begun over fifty years ago to meet the strategic goals of the Port Of Seattle and regional planners. The construction of SR-509 will affect the communities are great deal. But starting in 2027 the projects will also increase flight operations at least 33% and cargo operations by 300%.

Puget Sound Gateway program kicks off

Connecting SR 167 and SR 509 to I-5 Puget Sound Gateway program will help move freight faster. (Photo – Port of Tacoma) State and regional leaders celebrated the beginning of the Puget Sound Gateway Program this month. This multiyear program will complete SR 167 in Pierce County and SR 509 in King County. These new

Construction starting on missing links in SR 167, SR 509

…In King County, SR 509, which currently ends at South 188th Street, will be extended to I-5. The extension will have two lanes in each direction.  A new interchange will be built at S. 188th St. The Washington State Department of Transportation said extending 509 will serve as an alternative to I-5, SR 99 and