Regional planning agency to leave longtime space for 1201 Third tower

By Joey Thompson – Reporter, Puget Sound Business Journal Aug 28, 2023 The Puget Sound Regional Council is moving its headquarters to one of Seattle’s largest Class A office buildings — at an apparent discount. The government-funded metropolitan planning organization has signed a 13.5-year lease at 1201 Third Avenue, filling 21,000 square feet on the

Puget Sound Regional Council General Assembly

The General Assembly is PSRC’s annual meeting where members vote on major decisions, including adoption of PSRC’s budget and election of officers. All mayors, county executives, commissioners, and councilmembers of PSRC member jurisdictions and tribes have votes at the Assembly and are encouraged to participate. We need at least one elected official from your jurisdiction

Puget Sound Gateway program kicks off

Connecting SR 167 and SR 509 to I-5 Puget Sound Gateway program will help move freight faster. (Photo – Port of Tacoma) State and regional leaders celebrated the beginning of the Puget Sound Gateway Program this month. This multiyear program will complete SR 167 in Pierce County and SR 509 in King County. These new

Where’s the next Sea-Tac? Aviation here is expected to soar

A new study predicts demand for airline service in the Puget Sound region will double by 2050. By Janice Podsada • July 2, 2019 11:30 am SEATTLE — Demand for passenger air service and air cargo capacity in the Puget Sound region is expected to soar over the next three decades, an ongoing aviation study says. Passenger

2050 Forecasts for Aviation Demand

Aviation plays a critical role for people and businesses in the growing central Puget Sound region. Along with the region’s population and job growth, air passenger traffc and cargo volumes have reached record levels and are expected to increase. PSRC is leading a Regional Aviation Baseline Study to provide a clear picture of the aviation