Port of Seattle votes on Q3 2025 timetable for North Sea-Tac Park
Language of order still leaves ultimate ownership uncertain At the Tuesday, October 8 noon meeting of the Port of Seattle Commission, the Commission voted to approve an amended version of Order 2012: Amended Order #2024-12 (sub) The amended version, created by Felleman and Mohamed, does not make any firm decision. Instead, it directs Port staff
Port of Seattle to vote to permanently restrict North Sea-Tac Park for recreational use
However, language of order leaves ultimate ownership uncertain At the Tuesday, October 8 meeting of the Port of Seattle Commission (Sea-Tac Airport Mezzanine 12:00pm), the following Order will be discussed and voted on: “The Port Commission hereby directs the Executive Director to undertake the Port activities necessary to meet the requirements described in Section 706
Des Moines Creek Business Park West SEPA MDNS & Checklist LUA2022-0044 – Signed
FAA Reauthorization 2023: Community Use Of Airport Land
Like many agencies of the Federal Government, the law giving life to the FAA needs to be reauthorized periodically. The last bill was in 2018 and the current version will be passed this year. A reauthorization bill is something of a misnomer. The first page reauthorizes the agency; the remaining hundreds and hundreds of pages
King County Zoning Codes for Noise Impacted Properties
KKR Airport Law Alert: FAA Section 163 Land Use Policy
Moving because of the AIRPORT EXPANSION?