The Federal regulations concerning community noise around Sea-Tac Airport Part 150 (Airport Noise Compatibility Planning) is a section of the Code of Federal Regulations governing the FAA and airports. The code describes a ‘voluntary’ study airports can do to determine the impacts of noise on surrounding communities. A Part 150 Study has all sorts of
StART Memo FAA Authority to Change the 65 DNL
Calculating DNL65
We’ve often made the claim that DNL65 is not really a unit of measure. And when we say that it comes off as both condescending and patronizing. Okeedokee… If you want to understand DNL65, you should probably start by going to the regulations governing Airport Noise Compatibility and Planning aka Part 150. Got it? Great.
x2-NEMPLOT_Future (2018) NEM NCP
2021 Projected Noise Boundary Map
DNL 65 shrinking...
Congressional Quiet Skies Caucus Letter To FAA Administrator Steve Dickson re DNL65
Currently, FAA law has extremely complicated rules for establishing a noise boundary around airports. (A noise boundary is a geographic area inside which there is ...
HR 5874 – Decrease Noise Levels Act
116th CONGRESS 2d Session H. R. 5874 To require the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration to amend regulations concerning the day-night average sound level, and for other purposes. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 12, 2020 Ms. Meng (for herself, Mr. Smith of Washington, Mr. Espaillat, Ms. Brownley of California, Mr. Beyer, Mr.
HR 5874 – Decrease Noise Levels Act
The Port Package Explainer
Does your home have a Port Package of noise mitigation windows and insulation? Having problems with your windows? Mold? You’re not alone. Help us help you.
DNL65 For Dummies
There is a geographic area around every large airport where, according to a formula developed by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the ‘noise’ level is equal to or greater than 65 decibels DNL (Day Night Level). That area is depicted on a noise exposure map (NEM) and referred to as the Noise Boundary or just