Noise Boundary Maps 2013, 2018, 2021

If you live in the area, you may hear about ‘Noise Boundary Maps’. These are maps with a boundary drawn showing the furthest extent of the DNL65. Your residence must be within this boundary in order to be eligible for ‘The Port Package’, ie. insulation and triple-pane windows. (However, there are other criteria discussed in the topics Avigation Easements and DNL65.)

2013 Boundary

This is the 2013 boundary, taken from the most recent Part 150 Study by Landrum & Brown:

Part 150 Study 2013 NEM from e-Chapter-3_Noise Analysis pg109

2013-2018 Projection

Here is that same 2013 boundary from the same study along with the projected 2018 boundary:

Part 150 Study 2013 vs 2018 NEM comparison from e-Chapter-3 Noise Analysis pg. 115

Projected 2021 Boundary

And here is the projected 2021 boundary taken from the October 11, 2016 Airport Noise Insulation Project briefing:

Port Of Seattle – Airport Noise Insulation Project PPT

This entire document should be studied thoroughly as this provides almost the entire set of Port talking points on what they feel they have done for the community and how they view their relationship to us. But for now, take a look at pages seven and eight. They make the outrageous claim that the Noise Boundary will actually decrease over time because ‘aircraft are getting so much quieter’!

Appendix F

Finally, there are several plots in this portion of the Part 150 Study and the entire document is worth studying because it provides several different ways to define ‘noise’ scientifically.

2013 Part 150 Study – Appendix F – Supplemental Noise Analysis

16 Replies to “Noise Boundary Maps 2013, 2018, 2021”

  1. 1. 2018 and 2021 noise maps are outdated because they do not reflect increased operational levels at Sea Tac since 2013;
    2. FAA and Sea-Tac’s own policies permit homes built after 10-1-98 to participate in sound insulation program; however, Sea-Tac’s powerpoint describes two different criteria. Why?
    3. According to FAA’s recent CATEX report to City of Burien in April 2018, 5.2% of study area is now eligible for sound insulation. Another indication that Sea-Tac’s noise maps require updating.
    4. Earliest sound insulation installations by Sea Tac did not include ventilation improvements. Failed window installations by Sea-Tac should be addressed via a new window replacement program (i.e. San Francisco’s program).

  2. Can we maybe get a LEGIBLE map? I can not for the life of me determine if I am in a covered zone or not. I live in Federal Way off 290th and 18th Ave S, Directly under the line of site of all 3 runways.

    1. No one in Federal Way is currently eligible for the Port Package program. In 2019, we advocated for a State law (HB1847) to extend the DNL65 out to Federal Way, which passed in 2020. However, it was largely symbolic as the FAA makes the real decisions on noise boundaries. That said, there is nothing preventing the Port of Seattle from creating its own sound insulation program. However, your city (Federal Way) would have to agree to update its building code so that all new construction includes similar sound insulation. And the City of Federal Way has shown no desire to do so. In short, if Federal Way is ever to get sound insulation for existing homes, the City of Federal Way must be willing to insist that developers provide sound insulation for new construction which is equivalent to a Port Package.

        1. If you haven’t already, please subscribe to our mailing list. And consider that people who live in Federal Way will need to bring up this issue to their City Council if you are ever to get relief. You -can- purchase sound insulation as good as a Port Package, but the price tag is pretty high these days. And in our opinion, you should not have to.

  3. I live in South Park just west of Loretta’s restaurant. Do you know if that is included or if there is a more legible map available? Thank you

    1. Unfortunately, South Park is nowhere near the current boundary. There used to be a program for residents near KCIA, but that is also not currently active. Please subscribe to our mailing list as we are working on providing relief to residents at both airports.

  4. I love East of the Port of Seattle Employee parking lot. We also got a port package in 1998 yhe windows were of port quality and the noise from the planes is loud. How can I get the test done here or find out if I qualify for this new wi Dow package. All my kids have asthma and I now have asthma. On certain days the airplane fuel is thick in the air. Take offs on both ends for me are super loud. Especially the North end of Airport. When they do run ups at the north end by Fed Ex cargo it is so loud in y hose. I feel like I am next to aircraft. I can see the aircraft coming in to land . That is how close I am. Who do we contact to get this new package for our home?

  5. I am at 9960 14th Ave S. It looks like I am in the zone or very near the new 2021 map provided. Anyway to verify? -Tyler

  6. I live in DesMoines and now with the 3rd runway the planes fly right over my house. I can count the rivets on the plane. Address is: 1230 S 220th St., DesMoines WA 98198. Do I qualify to see if we qualify. We have port windows that were here when we bought the house in 2009 but they are very poor quality. Only one set closes properly.

  7. What about North Hill area of Des Moines? I’m sitting here listening to planes at 201st & 2nd Ave. When will the map be updated or addressed towards homes that are parallel to the airport? The noise is horrendous & the port package should be re-addressed and assessed.

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