Quiet Skies Coalition Update

Good Friends & Citizens of Burien, On Wednesday, the City of Burien appeared before the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in Seattle.  Our attorney Matt Adams of Dentons law firm and the FAA’s attorney presented oral arguments before a panel of three judges who asked pointed questions of both sides.  My

RCW Title 29A: Elections

This Title of State law describes election procedures. For our purposes, we’re largely concerned with a path towards altering the structure and size of the Port Of Seattle’ Commission. Specifically, we’d like to see a nine-member Commission with District-based elections.

A Letter To Amanda Wyma-Bradley re. HR 6168

Ms. Wyma-Bradley is a Legislative Assistant for Congressman Adam Smith (D) 9th District, WA. Thank you for your work on this issue.I worry that my comments at the meeting may have veered discussion away from your intended text. But I think I do understand the local situation and my concern in HR 6168 was that

A Letter To Adam Smith Re. HR 6168

Dear Congressman, As I wrote you on 24 March re. ANCA, I want to thank you for all your help for airport communities. I now have the following comments ahead of your August 27 Meeting with our communities. Representation I am very concerned about the definition and structure of ‘community’ and who will be designated

Show Me The Money!

The problem with all airport community issues come down to M-O-N-E-Y. There are currently some programs that try to account for noise. There are almost no programs that account for pollution; or lower property values; or an array of socio-economic harms. If you look at the galaxy of Federal Regs that have sprouted from ANCA,

H.R. 2351: Protecting Airport Communities from Particle Emissions Act

To direct the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration to conduct a study relating to ultrafine particles, and for other purposes. The bill’s titles are written by its sponsor. Sponsor and status Adam Smith Sponsor. Representative for Washington’s 9th congressional district. Democrat. Read Text » Last Updated: Apr 22, 2019 Length: 4 pages Introduced: Apr

A Letter To Adam Smith Re. ANCA

Dear Congressman, Per my public comment today. I would like you to consider creating legislation to provide some very minor changes to the 1990 ANCA law. I’ve included the specifics in the attachment. As you will see, the changes I would like to see represent a total of merely eleven (11) lines of text. In