Holland resigns from Port position after story on his problems

By  Emily Heffter Port of Seattle Commissioner Rob Holland announced Wednesday he will resign March 15, eight months before the end of his first term. His decision comes days after a Seattle Times story detailing the problems of Holland’s three years in public office, including misuse of his Port credit cards, personal financial problems and tense relationships

STOP THE NOISE! Ears and a Voice for Beacon Hill & SE Seattle Citizens

Erik Stanford started this petition to Federal Aviation Administration & Port of Seattle Beacon Hill and Southeast Seattle have 80,000 residents. The community has the city’s largest populations of children, the elderly, disabled persons, people of color, and first-generation Americans who do not speak English as their first language. We are impacted by THREE airports; Renton Airport,

Obama’s Climate Betrayal

Elizabeth Kolbert Some international disputes are significant for symbolic reasons, others for substantive ones. The current conflict between the United States and the European Union over airline-emissions limits is both. Unfortunately this means that the U.S. is doubly on the wrong side. The Obama Administration ought to be applauding the Europeans. Instead it’s threatening a

Continental Airlines flight is first in U.S. to use biofuel

Reporting from Chicago —  Continental Airlines flight 1403 made history when it landed at O’Hare International Airport in Chicago on Monday, becoming the first revenue passenger trip in the U.S. powered by biofuel. The Boeing 737-800 burned a “green jet fuel” derived partially from genetically modified algae that feed on plant waste and produce oil. In