Letter to electeds on the importance of data collection

This letter is in support of a legislative proposal we have made concerning air quality monitors around Sea-Tac Airport. Senator Keiser, Rep. Orwall, Rep. Johnson. I know how busy you all are. I hope you will take 4 minutes to listen to this very good piece of audio. You can start at about 1:40. https://seatacnoise.info/otm111320_cms1067654_pod/

Huffington Post: Data Disappeared

Whenever President Donald Trump is questioned about why the United States has nearly three times more coronavirus cases than the entire European Union, or why hundreds of Americans are still dying every day, he whips out one standard comment. We find so many cases, he contends, because we test so many people. The remark typifies

What Is Reverse Thrust?

Reverse thrust, also known as thrust reversal, involves diverting the thrust of an aircraft’s engines to decelerate the plane. When reverse thrust is active, it changes the direction of airflow emanating from the engine to help slow the aircraft down. How does reverse thrust work? When an aircraft is in operation, its engines provide forward

How a 1940s treaty set airlines on a path to high emissions and low regulation

Before the pandemic, aviation was on course to be the UK’s most polluting sector and produce as much as 22% of global emissions by 2050. The industry is suffering from low demand due to coronavirus restrictions, but without meaningful policy changes, flight numbers and emissions are expected to return to pre-COVID-19 levels by 2024. When accounting for emissions, aviation is

Citizens of Ebey Reserve

Working with you to solve our Growler problem. Our mission is to protect the health and welfare of the inhabitants of the region, including the marine, migratory and endangered species, and to preserve the historic northwest communities being threatened by military jet training flights.