The Green Guide to Sustainable Travel

Purcell, Arlyn July 20, 2021 The Port of Seattle’s goal is to be the greenest and most energy-efficient airport and seaport in North America. Despite the impact of the pandemic on budgets around the world, we are continuing to move toward that goal, prioritizing our sustainability investments and programs at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (SEA). And

Port of Seattle Commission President releases statement on controversial proposed airport parking lot

Port of Seattle Commission President Fred Felleman on Monday, July 19, 2021 released a statement in response to public concerns about the Port’s controversial proposal to construct an employee parking lot in North SeaTac Park. As The SeaTac Blog previously reported, the Port is proposing turning an estimated 11 acres of mature forest in North SeaTac Park into

Flight Corridor Safety Program On-line Open House

The Port of Seattle has an ongoing program to remove trees around SEA to improve safety during takeoffs and landings and replant in their place, native, low-growing trees. The first phase of work, completed in 2019, centered around removing and replanting trees on Port property. During this phase, the Port established low-growing native forests onsite

What we learned while working from home, and how it can boost employees’ well-being

Whether workers wind up at home, in offices or in hybrid work systems, mental health experts hope bosses’ decisions will prioritize individual well-being as much as possible. (Getty Images) By  Allyson Chiu The Washington Post Before the coronavirus pandemic, psychiatrist Jessi Gold could count on one hand the number of times she had conducted an

Cutting Through All the Noise

How the FAA is Working to Reduce the Impact of Aircraft Noise FAA Safety Briefing By Tom Hoffmann, FAA Safety Briefing Managing Editor Growing up in a neighborhood just over a mile north of JFK Airport’s Runway 22R/L, I know a thing or two about aircraft noise. We’re talking about the mid-1970s too, when 707s,

Contrails 101

What is a contrail? What are contrails made of? Can I see them? How are they formed? Where are they formed? How long do they last in the sky? Are they dangerous to humans? Do contrails affect climate? What are the ingredients of jet fuel, and are they necessary for the formation of contrails? Why