What we learned while working from home, and how it can boost employees’ well-being

Whether workers wind up at home, in offices or in hybrid work systems, mental health experts hope bosses’ decisions will prioritize individual well-being as much as possible. (Getty Images) By  Allyson Chiu The Washington Post Before the coronavirus pandemic, psychiatrist Jessi Gold could count on one hand the number of times she had conducted an

Cutting Through All the Noise

How the FAA is Working to Reduce the Impact of Aircraft Noise FAA Safety Briefing By Tom Hoffmann, FAA Safety Briefing Managing Editor Growing up in a neighborhood just over a mile north of JFK Airport’s Runway 22R/L, I know a thing or two about aircraft noise. We’re talking about the mid-1970s too, when 707s,

Contrails 101

What is a contrail? What are contrails made of? Can I see them? How are they formed? Where are they formed? How long do they last in the sky? Are they dangerous to humans? Do contrails affect climate? What are the ingredients of jet fuel, and are they necessary for the formation of contrails? Why

PBS Nova: The Great Electric Airplane Race

Can new emission-free electric planes replace our polluting airliners and revolutionize personal transportation in our cities? NOVA takes you for a ride in some impressive prototypes that are already in the air, from speedy single-seat planes that can take off like a helicopter but are half as noisy to “self-flying” air taxis that are already

Airport speaks out against pending climate bill

Legislation would impose $1,000 landing fee; officials note other ‘far-reaching’ challenges. By Lucas Thors Aircraft would be charged a $1,000 landing fee under newly proposed state legislation. Martha’s Vineyard Airport is objecting to the bill. Martha’s Vineyard Airport officials are denouncing pending state legislation that would require Massachusetts airports to impose a $1,000 fee on

King County aims to slash carbon emissions in half by 2030, including aviation

A plane takes off on Monday, December 11, 2017, at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport. Credit: KUOW Photo/Megan Farmer By John Ryan The King County Council unanimously approved a new climate strategy Tuesday, aimed at cutting the county’s climate-harming pollution in half in less than a decade. In addition to halving the climate impact of Washington’s most