Sea-Tac Advisory Round Table Meeting StART

Meeting Objective: To provide an update on the StART Federal Policy Working Group and recap the Aviation Noise Working Group. To discuss and provide initial input to the Port of Seattle’s Economic Recovery Framework.

A Letter To Earnest Thompson

Mr. Thompson is a member of the StART Committee for Normandy Park and a candidate for City Council in that town. This letter is in regard to a failed Resolution #944 voted on at their City Council Meeting 09/10/2019. Hi Earnest, Again, I’m sorry that I was unable to make the Normandy Park City Council

Bad College Lecture: StART Meeting June 2019

June 26th Meeting Recap may be found here It’s been almost a year and a half since the Sea-Tac Airport Roundtable (StART) made its debut and I have to say I am not thrilled with the current state of play. I’m not talking about its accomplishments (work product) or its process (which I call ‘Bad College