I saw those guys at The Gorge in ’83. 😀 Preface With the passage of time, the problems created for residents by Sea-Tac Airport get forgotten and this works to the advantage of The Port Of Seattle. Forget ever obtaining any justice, the passage of time prevents even understanding that any crimes have been committed.
A Letter To Tina Orwall re. Port Package Problems
Tina Orwall is a State Representative For the 33rd District. This letter is in regard to a conversation I had with her after the 33rd District Democrats Town Hall on March 23, 2019 and the LiUNA Hall in Des Moines. Dear Tina, Just following up on our conversation today re. the Port Packages. To summarise,
Clean Crawls (Mold Remediation)
This is a company that provides mold remediation services. We don’t recommend companies, but they have been used by a number of homeowners with Port Package Problems. This page provides some good information on the issues that mold can provide.
So You Want A Port Package? Start Here
Thanks for contacting us. Why Bother Reading This? Getting a Port Package is a process. A long process that will likely take several years. Really. Even if they say ‘yes’, right away. It’s complicated and frustrating and confusing and we know you don’t want to hear that because you’re already upset by the noise. So
A Letter To Mayor Jimmy Matta re. Port Package Problems
I’m often asked why I’m so gung ho about legislative action as opposed to working through issues via the SAMP (Sustainable Airport Master Plan). My flip answer is “If the Port wants me to do it? I’m immediately skeptical.” And the Port wants to drive all community issues through the SAMP. But the substantive reason
A Letter To Michael Matthias re. Port Packages
Michael Matthias is the City Manager of The City Of Des Moines. He also chairs the City’s Airport Committee, serves as the City’s Economic Development Director, sits on the StART Committee and represents the City on the State Environmental Impact Study. This letter is in regard to public comments I made at the General City
Therma-Stor Fresh 80 (Port Package Air Vent)
Therma-Stor Fresh 80 Replacement Filters
If you have a Port Package, these are replacement filters for Fresh 80 vents.
Therma-Stor Fresh 80 Air Filters
If you have a Port Package, you likely have these air filters in two spots in your house. Many people have no idea what they do, but they are important to the health of you and your Port Package and your house so you should learn how they work. First of all, you should change
The Port Package Explainer
Does your home have a Port Package of noise mitigation windows and insulation? Having problems with your windows? Mold? You’re not alone. Help us help you.