How do I determine if I have a Port Package or Avigation Easement?

Other than examining your windows, doors and insulation, you can find out if there is an Avigation Easement attached to your property. At some point, the owner of the home must have signed that easement in order to obtain the Port Package. So, how do you find that easement? Well, legally, it must be in

Letter To PPP Members (July 2019)

An update on what we’ve been doing.First off, yes, I am running for City Council in Des Moines.  And yes I did tell y’all that was not going to happen. Which already establishes my qualifications for a career in politics, right? 😀 But the reasons are pretty basic. First off,, win or lose, the act

Port Of Seattle Port Package Doors And Windows

These are the products the Port Of Seattle are currently using in their Port Package retro-fits Windows: Larsen SCS P-series ‘extreme’ Doors: PEM Millworks ‘Quiet Door’ Storm Doors: Larsen In the past they have also successfully used products from Milgard and VPI. Milgard seems to be the brand favored by builders on new construction in