Port officials expect strong — but not record-setting — Seattle cruise season

The Port of Seattle’s 2024 cruise season kicks off Saturday. ANTHONY BOLANTE | PSBJ By Joey Thompson – Reporter, Puget Sound Business Journal Apr 4, 2024 Cruise season kicks off Saturday, and while officials predict another strong summer, the Port of Seattle is expected to see fewer ships. The port forecasts 275 sailings between Saturday and late

Port Thanks Senator Murray for Inclusion of $3 Million Environmental Mitigation Provision in Transportation Funding Bill

To view this email as a web page, go here.   March 11, 2024 For Immediate Release Contact: Perry Cooper | SEA Airport (206) 787-4923 | cooper.p@portseattle.org Provision could support secondary sound insulation assessment SEATTLE – The Port of Seattle expresses its deepest appreciation for the successful efforts made by U.S. Senator Patty Murray (WA) to

Addressing Your Questions on SEA Airport Land Stewardship Plan and Tree Replacement Standards

March 4, 2024 The Port of Seattle plays a vital role in our region’s economy, connecting us to the world and generating jobs. We also recognize the importance of safeguarding our natural environment. That’s why in July, we adopted land stewardship principles to guide our management practices, and from there, developed two strategies: the SEA

$5 Million Approved to Pilot Noise Insulation Repair and Replacement for Near-Airport Communities

Assessment to determine the extent of replacements needed February 27, 2024             SEATTLE — The Port of Seattle Commission today directed staff to conduct an assessment regarding the effectiveness of previously installed, federally funded noise insulation packages in communities around Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (SEA). In addition, the Commission authorized $5 million in Port levy dollars

Land Stewardship Plan and Tree Replacement Standards

            In July, the Port adopted Land Stewardship Principles across Port programs and for all land uses. These principles establish value statements and guidance for decision-making when it comes to land management. In turn, the Port developed two key strategies based on the principles: Land Stewardship Plan: guides forest health and habitat connectivity enhancements, integrates capital

Port outlines priorities for Sea-Tac Airport in proposed spending plan

By Marissa Nall – Reporter, Puget Sound Business Journal Oct 31, 2023 The Port of Seattle plans to commit another $1.1 billion to its massive, rolling capital projects agenda at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport under its newly proposed budget for next year. Introduced late last week, the budget sets the stage for $5.3 billion in capital

Budget and Five-Year Capital Plan delivers major projects for today, prepares for future

posted by AJOT | Oct 27 2023 at 09:39 AM | Ports & Terminals Port of Seattle Executive Director Stephen P. Metruck introduced his preliminary 2024 budget and 2024-2028 Capital Improvement Plan this week. Port leaders have held public briefings for Commissioners over half a dozen times over the past six months, culminating with a presentation on the proposed