Port of Seattle votes on Q3 2025 timetable for North Sea-Tac Park

Property leases at North Sea-Tac Park. Source City of SeaTac

Language of order still leaves ultimate ownership uncertain At the Tuesday, October 8 noon meeting of the Port of Seattle Commission, the Commission voted to approve an amended version of Order 2012: Amended Order #2024-12 (sub) The amended version, created by Felleman and Mohamed, does not make any firm decision. Instead, it directs Port staff

Port of Seattle to vote to permanently restrict North Sea-Tac Park for recreational use

1989 King County Ordinance setting aside land for North Sea-Tac Park

However, language of order leaves ultimate ownership uncertain At the Tuesday, October 8 meeting of the Port of Seattle Commission (Sea-Tac Airport Mezzanine 12:00pm), the following Order will be discussed and voted on: “The Port Commission hereby directs the Executive Director to undertake the Port activities necessary to meet the requirements described in Section 706

Port of Seattle Commission President releases statement on controversial proposed airport parking lot

Port of Seattle Commission President Fred Felleman on Monday, July 19, 2021 released a statement in response to public concerns about the Port’s controversial proposal to construct an employee parking lot in North SeaTac Park. As The SeaTac Blog previously reported, the Port is proposing turning an estimated 11 acres of mature forest in North SeaTac Park into