Port Of Seattle Port Package Doors And Windows

These are the products the Port Of Seattle are currently using in their Port Package retro-fits Windows: Larsen SCS P-series ‘extreme’ Doors: PEM Millworks ‘Quiet Door’ Storm Doors: Larsen In the past they have also successfully used products from Milgard and VPI. Milgard seems to be the brand favored by builders on new construction in

Milgard: Understanding Noise

Milgard understands the importance of peace and quiet in your home and engineers windows to help reduce unwanted noise. Unwanted outside noise can occur in homes by a highway, airport or in a loud urban setting. This can have a significant impact on the enjoyment of your home, particularly if it disrupts your sleep. Windows are

Airport Improvement Program

The Airport Improvement Program (AIP) provides grants to public agencies — and, in some cases, to private owners and entities — for the planning and development of public-use airports that are included in the National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems (NPIAS). See the AIP Glossary for a description of AIP-related terms. Grant History Look Up

Passenger Facility Charge (PFC)

The Passenger Facility Charge (PFC) Program allows the collection of PFC fees up to $4.50 for every enplaned passenger at commercial airports controlled by public agencies. PFCs are capped at $4.50 per flight segment with a maximum of two PFCs charged on a one-way trip or four PFCs on a round trip, for a maximum

Blueberry Lane

https://www.richmondamerican.com/washington/seattle-tacoma-new-homes/des-moines/blueberry-lane It looks so nice–because you can’t hear a JPEG. 😀 Next time you are driving through Des Moines, pass by this development at 196th and Des Moines Memorial Drive. This area is directly under the flight path at prox. 600 ft of altitude, which now makes it officially the housing estate closest to the

SFO: Replacement and Second Chance Noise Insulation Initiative

The San Francisco International Airport’s (SFO) Replacement and Second Chance Noise Insulation Initiative is intended to provide acoustical improvements to qualifying residential properties that meet certain eligibility requirements.  These improvements are offered at no cost to eligible property owners. This initiative has two main components, as follows: Second Chance Initiative: This initiative gives a second

Highline School District superintendent to retire

DES MOINES — The superintendent of the Highline School District announced yesterday that he will retire at the end of the school year. Joe McGeehan, who will turn 65 in March, took over the Highline schools in 1994. During his tenure, the district won approval in 2002 of a $189.5 million construction bond issue after