Denver Airport Ordered to Pay $33.5 Million for Noise Violations

by John Aguilar Adams County got just what it asked for in its lengthy fight with Denver International Airport — a judge’s order that DIA pay $33.5 million for noise violations that impacted nearby neighborhoods during a three-year period starting in 2014. The ruling from Jefferson County District Judge Christie Bachmeyer was handed down on

Missed opportunity or necessary avoidance? FAA Noise Metrics Report to Congress

TOPICS:16hr2020 Report to Congress (“Report”)April 14average day-night level standardBarbara LichmanCDNLCNELconcentrated noise impact pointsLAeqLdenLmaxNAnoise metricsPart 150SELTA Posted By: Cynthia Schultz June 16, 2020 Share this article: Missed opportunity or necessary avoidance? Cynthia Schultz, PE   While it would be easy to take the FAA to task for ignoring the congressional mandate, it is not so easy

Port Of Seattle Announces Noise Program Expansion 2026

Today’s Port Of Seattle General Meeting had the most significant news about Port Packages we have ever seen. If you are concerned about airport noise issues this will matter to you whether you have a Port Package or not. As background, I strongly encourage you to look at the presentation by Noise Program Manager Stan

HR 5874 – Decrease Noise Levels Act

116th CONGRESS 2d Session H. R. 5874   To require the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration to amend regulations concerning the day-night average sound level, and for other purposes. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 12, 2020 Ms. Meng (for herself, Mr. Smith of Washington, Mr. Espaillat, Ms. Brownley of California, Mr. Beyer, Mr.