It’s A Disaster

With the emergence of Coronavirus, we’ve noticed a great deal of Schadenfreude among airport activists across the world. Comments such as “It’s so quiet now. We should have an outbreak like this all the time!” The thing most residents forget is that we actually did twenty years ago. It was called ‘9/11’. If you look

Why is it getting so much worse? (NextGen For Dummies)

Spoiler alert: The answer is not ‘The Third Runway’. However, you might call the current situation for residents in certain neighborhoods around Sea-Tac Airport a ‘Perfect Storm’. What’s The Frequency, Kenneth? Yes, there has been a great deal of growth in the number of daily operations. First, there is the fact that in 2012 Delta

UproarLA: Nextgen Nightmare @ Burbank Airport (FAA and BUR LIED)

FAA and BUR LIED | UproarLA has discovered the truth of how San Fernando Valley communities were sacrificed by the FAA and Burbank Airport in the name of efficiency and NextGen technology. Burbank Airport was alerted back in 2015 that new “condensed” flight paths would inundate quiet neighborhoods with airplane noise and pollution, and

FAA calls for comment on proposed use of Runway 34

for use by turboprop planes The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is conducting an analysis under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) to determine the environmental effects of a westerly heading for turboprop aircraft departing from Runway 34 at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (SEA). The heading would only be used when the airport is landing and departing

Airport noise and health impacts? Not going to fly with concerned citizens

Larry Cripe and quiet skies Puget sound – Larry Cripe, president of Burien’s Quiet Skies Coalition, spoke about the need for a second regional airport during Quiet Skies Puget Sound community forum on the evening of Wednesday, April 26. A panel of speakers -- from left, Des Moines City Manager Michael Matthias, Founder of Aviation Impact Reform Jeff Lewis, Burien City Council member Debi Wagner, King County Council member Dave Upthegrove, Representative Tina Orwall and Founder of Quiet Skies Puget Sound Sheila Brush – gathered to answer community members’ questions during the event.

05/02/2017 By Lindsay Peyton Gasps emanated from the crowd gathered at the Quiet Skies Puget Sound community forum when lawyer Steve Edmiston projected one of the first slides of his presentation. He showed a map published by the Environmental Projection Agency, followed by an alarming statistic, placing Des Moines’ Mount Rainier High School in the