Tips to safely prepare your home for wildfire season indoors (and out)

By Amber Katz Special to At Home in the Northwest Wildfire season has begun early this year in King County, with smoke expected to be even worse than last year. This reality makes preparing the home for health and safety reasons essential. “My whole state is in the forecast for this summer being in the

Wirecutter: The Best Air Purifier

By Tim Heffernan Updated March 7, 2023   Photo: Connie Park FYI We have tested and reviewed the Molekule Air Pro and Air Mini+, and will be reviewing several other purifiers soon. March 2023 [Sign up for Wirecutter’s newsletter to get independent reviews, expert advice, and the very best deals sent straight to your inbox.]Air purifiers

Air purifiers

Should you get an air purifier? If you live near the flight path, the answer is ‘Yes’. Not only because of the aviation emissions, but also because of roadway emissions, the increasing prevalence of wildfires, and, if you have a Port Package, the increased risk of indoor mold. So many choices… However, the question of

Treat air quality to safeguard buildings against COVID-19

By Gus Simonds Special to The Times Enough sweatpants and Zoom meetings already. Employees who have worked from home since March because of COVID-19 want to get back to the office to enjoy the face-to-face camaraderie and collaboration with mentors and teammates. Parents are anticipating getting their children back into the classroom. Winter is approaching, making

Installing air filters in classrooms has surprisingly large educational benefits

$1,000 can raise a class’s test scores by as much as cutting class size by a third. By Matthew   An emergency situation that turned out to be mostly a false alarm led a lot of schools in Los Angeles to install air filters, and something strange happened: Test scores went up. By a

2020 Washington State Senate Bill 6168 Sec. 603 (42) Indoor Air Quality Study

State Budget (SENATE BILL 6168, Sec. 603) (42) $50,000 of the general fund—state appropriation for fiscal year 2021 is provided solely for the department of environmental and occupational health sciences to provide an air quality report. The report will study the relationship between indoor and outdoor ultrafine particle air quality at sites with vulnerable populations,

Estimates of HVAC filtration efficiency for fine and ultrafine particles of outdoor origin

Parham Azimi, Dan Zhao, Brent Stephens Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL, USA Received 31 July 2014, Revised 26 August 2014, Accepted 3 September 2014, Available online 4 September 2014. Abstract This work uses 194 outdoor particle size distributions (PSDs) from the literature to estimate single-pass heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning (HVAC) filter removal efficiencies for