VOX: The scariest thing about global warming (and Covid-19)

The afternoon sky glows red from bushfires exacerbated by climate change near Nowra in the Australian state of New South Wales on December 31, 2019.Saeed Khan/AFP via Getty Images For as long as I’ve followed global warming, advocates and activists have shared a certain faith: When the impacts get really bad, people will act. Maybe

The Supreme Court’s Covert Plan to Gut the EPA’s Powers

Ian Millhiser/June 21, 2019 The conservative justices signaled they want to limit agencies’ ability to regulate. That could have disastrous consequences for the planet. Nearly four decades ago, Anne Gorsuch Burford resigned as the head of the Environmental Protection Agency. Though at the helm for less than two years, she left behind a notorious anti-environment

I-1631 (Balletopedia)

A State Initiative to charge a carbon tax on fossil fuels. Although it exempts both commercial marine and commercial jet fuels (bad) we nevertheless support this measure. If passed, the law affords large grant opportunities to heavily impacted communities. We expect that these grants will be highly competitive. It will therefore be necessary for airport