A letter to the Commissioners Of The Port Of Seattle re. Motion 2020-04 (Accelerated Sound Insulation Program)

Commissioners, I want to thank you again for your 25 February 2020 vote on Motion 2020-04. As you know, this action was taken to accelerate your sound insulation program (known as Port Packages) and also take advantage of new State legislation HB2315 which enables the Port to provide updates and repairs to existing systems. We

Long Term Management

Over the past four years SeatacNoise.Info has done two fairly in-depth analyses. First, concerning the relation between Sea-Tac Airport and the surrounding communities going back to 1959 (before the building of what is now the ‘first runway’), and second looking at the current state of community relations at the top 20 U.S. airports (by average


Title 14: Aeronautics and Space PART 161—NOTICE AND APPROVAL OF AIRPORT NOISE AND ACCESS RESTRICTIONS Contents Subpart A—General Provisions §161.1   Purpose. §161.3   Applicability. §161.5   Definitions. §161.7   Limitations. §161.9   Designation of noise description methods. §161.11   Identification of land uses in airport noise study area. Subpart B—Agreements §161.101   Scope. §161.103   Notice of the proposed restriction. §161.105   Requirements for new entrants. §161.107   Implementation of the restriction. §161.109   Notice of

Towards A New Normal

When I first spoke publicly on the problems of Sea-Tac Airport four years ago, I was not coy. I said, “Roll it back.” And by that I meant, reducing the number of daily operations back to 2012 levels. I was told that only an act of God could make such a thing possible. Who knew,

Congressman Smith Reintroduces the Aviation Impacted Communities Act

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Adam Smith (D-WA) reintroduced the Aviation Impacted Communities Act today, which will help communities better address noise and other environmental impacts stemming from nearby airports. Communities across the nation continue to experience an increased and disproportionate share of noise and other environmental impacts stemming from commercial aviation. The Aviation Impacted Communities

Port Of Seattle Announces Noise Program Expansion 2026

Today’s Port Of Seattle General Meeting had the most significant news about Port Packages we have ever seen. If you are concerned about airport noise issues this will matter to you whether you have a Port Package or not. As background, I strongly encourage you to look at the presentation by Noise Program Manager Stan


H-1107.1 HOUSE BILL 1847 State of Washington 66th Legislature 2019 Regular Session By Representatives Pellicciotti, Orwall, Gregerson, Reeves, and Santos Read first time 02/01/19. Referred to Committee on Local Government. AN ACT Relating to aircraft noise abatement; and amending RCW 53.54.010, 53.54.020, and 53.54.030. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON: