Port Commission passes Port Package update pilot program 24-04

Historic order to assess and repair sound insulation systems passes 5-0 At today’s regular meeting, the Port Commission voted unanimously to approve Order 24-04: Sound  Insulation Repair-and-Replacement, creating a five year pilot program to assess the current stock of Port Packages and to provide $5,000,000 to provide repair and replacement of systems that are found

E2SSB5955 Passes Capital Budget Committee

Port Package Update Bill voted out in Executive Session 18-10-3 SB5955 passed today in the Capital Budget Committee Executive Session at 8:00AM. The vote was 18-10-3. Unlike prior committee votes (which were unanimous) this was strictly along partisan lines. Speaking for the opposition, Peter Abbarno 20th (R) mentioned that his city of Centralia is near

Implementing Port Package Updates

Deciding who gets fixed, first is key to the success of the new pilot program The Port of Seattle pilot program created by Order 24-04, will attempt to assess all 9,400+ homes in order to determine which systems are eligible and how they should be prioritized. It seems there are two primary components: equipment and

E2SSB5955 Capital Budget Committee hearing

Port Package Update Bill heard in House Capital Budget Committee SB5955 was heard today in the Capital Budget Committee public hearing. It will be decided upon in Executive Session Monday, February 26 at 8:00AM. If it passes, it will get within two steps of becoming law. As we’ve mentioned previously, bills are usually not scheduled