One of Olin’s Senior Capstone Program in Engineering (SCOPE) team’s is working with a community group in East Boston, as well as Aerodyne to find a low cost way to monitor air quality.
Washington’s greenhouse gas emissions spiked 6 percent in most recent tally
The state sent more than 97 million metric tons of greenhouses gases into the atmosphere in 2015, compared to just 90 million in 1990. by Evan Bush
New Washington map shows why environmental health is a justice issue
Washington Post: Airplane Noise? Push button to complain
Button offers instant gratification for those plagued by airplane noise
A Trump-Loving Mayor Is Running SeaTac, a Majority-Minority Town Full of Immigrants
A Trump-Loving Mayor Is Running SeaTac, a Majority-Minority Town Full of Immigrants by Rich Smith • Dec 28, 2018 at 3:09 pm Erin Sitterley, the new-ish Mayor of SeaTac. COURTESY THE CITY OF SEATAC The majority-minority airport town of SeaTac boasts a robust and growing immigrant population. But it’s currently being governed by a Trump-loving
Passenger Facility Charge (PFC)
The Passenger Facility Charge (PFC) Program allows the collection of PFC fees up to $4.50 for every enplaned passenger at commercial airports controlled by public agencies. PFCs are capped at $4.50 per flight segment with a maximum of two PFCs charged on a one-way trip or four PFCs on a round trip, for a maximum
Thanks to FAA Reauthorization, U.S. Airports Have Long to-do List for 2019
Greater Seattle punches below its weight in philanthropy
“The reality of Seattle’s charitable giving contradicts the illusion that we are one of the nation’s most generous places.” by Tony Mestres Special to The Times We’ve all heard about the many accolades Greater Seattle has earned in recent years. We rank high on lists of Best Places to Live, Fittest Cities, Best Cities to
John Parrott named CEO of Boeing Field
Fired by former Gov. Bill Walker, the longtime manager of Ted Stevens International Airport will take over at Boeing Field in Seattle on Jan. 14 as the new airport director. The appointment comes after a highly competitive national search. John Parrott was unceremoniously dismissed by Walker last year after having managed the airport since 2008.
Airline Pilots Magazine: Investing On The Ground To Improve Aviation Safety
The FAA’s Airport Improvement Program (AIP) provides grants that fund airport planning and infrastructure projects such as constructing or rehabilitating runways, taxiways, ramps, and runway safety areas in addition to airport signage, lighting, and markings. The grants strengthen U.S. aviation infrastructure by improving safety, efficiency, and the overall travel experience for pilots and passengers alike.