Why prospects that Pierce, Thurston could be home to new 2-runway airport just improved

By Shea Johnson Updated September 26, 2022 10:09 AM Two rural expanses of land in Pierce County are among three so-called “greenfield” sites still under consideration for a new airport after a state Legislature-created group on Friday narrowed down options for where it will recommend establishing flight operations to accommodate growing passenger and cargo traffic

Commercial Aviation Coordinating Commission Meeting 09/23/2022

“Greatest Public Benefit” is a concept that has been devastating for airport communities. It means that, as they say on Star Trek, “the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the one”. The discussion of compensation and mitigation is always the lowest priority. This makes any commercial airport a de facto sacrifice zone. The

These planes are battery operated. Will that fly?

Battery-powered planes are gaining traction with airlines and some are slated to be in the air by 2028. But big hurdles remain. By Pranshu Verma September 21, 2022 at 6:00 a.m. EDT A graphic image of Heart Aerospace’s ES-30, a battery powered plane that United Airlines, Mesa Airlines and Air Canada have purchased. (Heart Aerospace) For

Sea-Tac Airport explains what led to 2.5 hour security lines that stretched to the parking garage

Photo from KIRO 7 BY NICOLE JENNINGS KIRO Newsradio Reporter Seattle-Tacoma International Airport is apologizing for the abnormally long security lines last Sunday, which stretched into the Sea-Tac parking garage. The airport says it was a combination of unexpectedly high numbers of end-of-summer travelers, not enough Transportation Security Administration officers to meet the demand, and