Mid-terms: Some Seats Matter More

The U.S. mid-term congressional elections this November will determine which party controls Congress during the next year’s FAA reauthorization process. Republicans are bullish on retaking both the House of Representatives and Senate, while Democrats are fighting hard to protect their razor-thin majorities. That’s the big picture. Of the 536 total congressional seats (including D.C.’s non-voting delegate…more

Microsoft’s plans to slash Eastside leases signal troubling trend for Bellevue

Broderick Group described Microsoft’s possible move out of Bellevue as a “catastrophic blow” to the market. Anthony Bolante | PSBJ Microsoft Corp. is gradually confirming its plans to relinquish office space on the Eastside, putting Bellevue’s real estate market on an unhealthy trend. The Redmond-based software maker doesn’t plan to renew leases on 1.1 million

EPA Proposes Endangerment Finding for Lead Emissions from Aircraft Engines that Operate on Leaded Fuel

Proposed Endangerment Finding, if finalized, is an important step forward to address the largest remaining source of lead pollution to air October 7, 2022 Contact Information EPA Press Office (press@epa.gov) EPA Proposes Endangerment Finding for Lead Emissions from Aircraft Engines that Operate on Leaded Fuel Proposed Endangerment Finding, if finalized, is an important step forward

WA, West Coast leaders renew pledge to fight climate change

Oct. 7, 2022 at 6:00 am 1 of 2 | From left, California Gov. Gavin Newsom, Oregon Gov. Kate Brown, Washington Gov. Jay Inslee and British Columbia Premier John Horgan after signing a new climate agreement at the Presidio Tunnel Tops in San Francisco on Thursday. (Jeff Chiu / The Associated Press) Nicholas Turner  Seattle Times

Corporate Capture and the UN International Civil Aviation Organization

See coverage in Politico and Eco Business. How corporate interests influence global climate policy at the UN body for aviation New analysis finds the aviation industry has an outsized influence over global climate rules for the sector amid limited public scrutiny, according to a detailed analysis of corporate engagement and transparency rules at the UN’s aviation agency. The