Busted: 5 tricks the aviation industry plays on us to appear green

Herwig Schuster 1 June 2022 • 7 min read Airlines around the globe have been vying with each other on who has the greenest and shiniest announcements recently. British Airways made headlines with its plan to use sustainable aviation fuel on a commercial scale, Air France claimed to aim for a 12% cut in emissions by 2030, and Ryanair has

Boeing CEO Calhoun offers hints of next new airplane

By  Dominic Gates  Seattle Times aerospace reporter Ahead of the Paris Air Show later this month, Boeing CEO Dave Calhoun this week expressed confidence in the jetmaker’s path to recovery and its ability to catch up with rival Airbus. Speaking in North Charleston, South Carolina, he also made comments about Boeing’s next all-new airplane that

Delta Air Lines hit with lawsuit over claims of carbon neutrality

By ED DAVEY The Associated Press A consumer class action lawsuit filed Tuesday claims Delta Air Lines inaccurately billed itself as the world’s “first carbon-neutral airline” and should pay damages. The complaint in federal court in California alleges the airline relied on carbon offsets that were largely bogus. Companies around the world buy carbon credits

How a little more silence in children’s lives helps them grow

NPR LA Johnson A group of small children sits cross-legged with their teacher, Steve Mejía-Menendez, on a round carpet. He’s a pre-K teacher at Lee Montessori Public Charter School’s campus in Southeast Washington, D.C., and although I’m here to meet him, I almost don’t spot him because he’s eye level with his students. Mr. Steve,

FAA chief must be a watchdog independent from industry

By  Justin T. Green Special to The Times The Federal Aviation Administration — a crucial part of ensuring passenger safety in our country — has been without a permanent leader for more than a year. Meanwhile, there have been repeated near collisions between airliners, and aviation disasters have only been narrowly averted. These close calls