

What you can do to help us all win!

We get very few traditional ‘volunteers’. It’s not as though we don’t have needs. We certainly do! It’s just that, gotta be real here, they’re not ‘volunteery’.

You know what we mean. The ones where you can show up. Or not show up. Re-schedule. Pick up a few flyers. Or some garbage. Or maybe plant a tree. Do something very nice for an hour… and then leave.

Yeah, that’s not what we need. 😀

To win at any truly high stakes activism, you need people who take their tasks seriously. Organizations that can find people with that passion always succeed. That is the secret sauce. 99.99% of people we encounter say, “Gee, I’d love to but… My dog is… My mom is… My job is…” We get it. So, if that’s not you, not to worry. There are still three very useful things you can do to help:

How to help without volunteering

  1. Make a donation. We don’t need gobs. But we do need it. In fact, money can buy many of the most useful skills we need at the moment. So even if you don’t have the time to help, your dollars can purchase the commitment we need. (Please enter your Payment methods data on the settings pages.)
  2. Subscribe to our newsletter and share what you learn with your friends and on social media. The biggest problem airport communities have is that they are being constantly gaslighted. Help spread the truth. Because there is a single truth to all this.
  3. Try not to support groups or politicians we do not endorse. As we just wrote, we are all being gaslighted. We would love to be able to say “We’re all in this together!” but we’re not. Every politician says they want to help. A few are extremely sincere. Frankly, many are not.

If you really want to volunteer? Here are our current needs

Please review the following tasks and their requirements. If any these sound like you have the skills, resources and time to do? Please contact us.

Video and Animation Editing

We are in need of people with video editing, illustration and animation skills for several documentary projects we are working on, including our explainers.

National/International Roundtables

We try to keep in touch with various community groups around the US and Europe. (Currently, the most effective results are occurring in Europe.) We need people to:

  • Attend their meetings.
  • Check in with them,
  • …and generally keep each one another up to date.

(2 hrs a month)

Local Government Meetings

We attend a very large number of public meetings, including those of the Port of Seattle Commission, King County Council, various City Councils, StART and Highline Forum and SCATBD, etc. We need people to:

  • Attend these meetings.
  • Deliver public comment.
  • Attempt to speak with key people (depending on the event.)

(2 hrs a month)

Social Media

Speaking of which, we need people to:

  • Evangelize our blog posts on Facebook, Twitter, etc.
  • Monitor key sites for new and relevant information.

(1 hr a week)


We need people to:

  • Perform candidate surveys.

(2 hrs a month)