USDOT Seeks to Protect Consumers’ Airline Rewards in Probe of Four Largest U.S. Airlines’ Rewards Practices

Thursday, September 5, 2024 Secretary Buttigieg orders airlines to provide reports, records as part of DOT inquiry aimed at protecting the value of rewards and benefits earned by travelers    Inquiry follows joint CFPB-DOT public hearing on airline rewards programs earlier this year  WASHINGTON – Today, the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) launched an inquiry

Highway Foes Emboldened as Buttigieg Puts Houston Project on Pause

After the U.S. Department of Transportation asked the Texas DOT to halt a highway expansion, freeway fighters nationwide are calling on Secretary Pete Buttigieg for similar aid. By Laura Bliss Traffic backs up along the Massachusetts Turnpike in the Allston neighborhood of Boston in 2017, where foes of an aging viaduct are hoping for federal