Decision likely to come much earlier than expected! The Sustainable Airport Master Plan Draft EA comment period is now closed. We want to thank everybody who participated. We know the process was short and highly fraught. Nevertheless, we read some very good material. Thank you. The Port registered approximately 230 participants at their four Open
Summary of Comments from Debi Wagner on FAA Environmental Assessment for Sea-Tac Airport SAMP
A summary of Ms. Wagner’s comments to the FAA. Full document here Key Concerns and Issues 1. False Premise of Purpose and Need The FAA argues that expansion is necessary to accommodate inevitable growth. However, past FAA and industry statements indicate that airport capacity is constrained by existing infrastructure, including gate availability, runway capacity, and
The STNI SAMP Draft EA Public Comment (final)
The deadline for sending in comments on the SAMP Draft EA is Friday December 13, 2024. Here is the final version of our comment which we’ve sent to the Port of Seattle and FAA. We know that many of you are looking for pre-made comments. Please use any portion of this letter to help you.
SAMP 2024 Draft EA comments by Debi Wagner
Ms. Wagner’s comments are excellent but lengthy reading. We created a summary of her main points and key references here:
City of Des Moines Sustainable Airport Master Plan (SAMP Draft EA) Community Meeting
For Des Moines: City Manager Katherine Caffrey, Planning Director Rebecca Deming Shared Consultants for Burien, Des Moines, Normandy Park, SeaTac: Jim Allerdice (Vianair), Jason Schwartz, Emily Tranter (N.O.I.S.E.) Presentation and Transcript Read our SAMP Draft EA Public Comment Explainer …and send in your public comment by December 13, 2024!
City of Des Moines SAMP Community Meeting Q&A
This is a machine-generated transcript. We do not guarantee spelling or accuracy. [Meeting Moderator/Rebecca Deming]: Hello everyone. I want to let everyone know that we are recording this and we have the media here. Once this is recorded it is going to go on our website so that it can be watched. I know the
City of Des Moines SAMP Town Hall
The City of Des Moines will be hosting a SAMP Town Hall meeting on the Tuesday Dec. 3, 2024, from 6 – 7 p.m. at City Hall. The meeting will be recorded and available online as well. The aim of the meeting is to equip residents to know how to make meaningful and relevant comments
Des Moines to host public meeting on airport plan feedback before Dec. 13 deadline
by Joel Moreno, KOMO News Reporter TOPICS: DES MOINES, Wash. — Four open houses have been held already, but city officials in Des Moines are hosting one more opportunity for the public to give feedback on the Port of Seattle’s Sustainable Airport Master Plan (SAMP). The SAMP outlines the growth strategy for the airport and
The SAMP Draft EA Public Comment Explainer
Last Updated: December 5th, 2024A presentation on the Sustainable Airport Master Plan (SAMP) Draft EA Comment Period. How to write an effective comment and why that really matters. Remember: ...
OPINION: Algorithms, Airports and Anxiety: the Curious Case of a “Sustainable” Airport Master Plan
by Stuart Jenner The Port of Seattle has recently sponsored open houses about the “Sustainable” Airport Master Plan for Seatac (SAMP). At the open houses, held in Federal Way, Des Moines, and Burien, 20 or more port employees, joined by at least four consultants who flew in from Ohio, staffed 30 easels holding slides that