Letter to Commissioners: Port Package Pilot Program

The following is a letter to the Port of Seattle Commissioners. A great difficulty in providing justice for the community is simply the fact that in any government, electeds come and go, but the staff persists. Dear Commissioners,Below is a Pilot Project, which addresses your concerns to quantify the need of Port Package Updates and

Port Package updates are essential to the American Dream

A letter to the Commissioners of the Port of Seattle: explaining the history of Port Packages and their place in environmental justice. The American Dream is a safe, healthy home, at an affordable price, where you can raise your children, in one of the most beautiful areas in the world. But with so many Port Package failures and fewer and fewer new homes being eligible for sound insulation, that dream is becoming harder to achieve under the flight path.

A letter to the Commissioners Of The Port Of Seattle re. Motion 2020-04 (Accelerated Sound Insulation Program)

Commissioners, I want to thank you again for your 25 February 2020 vote on Motion 2020-04. As you know, this action was taken to accelerate your sound insulation program (known as Port Packages) and also take advantage of new State legislation HB2315 which enables the Port to provide updates and repairs to existing systems. We

PPP Update #2

Hi there, It’s been too long since our first update. Sorry about that. Part of the delay is that literally the week we decided to create this list, the true magnitude of the COVID-19 emergency became apparent and the Governor declared a State Of Emergency. COVID-19 Challenges The first speed bump is that we were

PPP Update #1

A quick note on last week’s Port Of Seattle General Meeting (agenda)  video.  The Port approved the first batch of money of the new Port Package Update program. This contract includes sixty (60) homes and the Villa Enzi condominiums on 216th in Des Moines–which have been waiting for years and years. Unrelated, but it also

The new *PPP Mailing List

*Port Package Problems So… HB2315, the ‘Port Package Update’ bill,  just passed in Olympia. Yay. 😀 You won’t see any of us at the signing ceremony because… THERE ARE NO SIGNING CEREMONIES! Damn that COVID-19! Which means the selfies with our Governor will have to wait for another year. 😀 Now there’s this bit in

Port Of Seattle Announces Noise Program Expansion 2026

Today’s Port Of Seattle General Meeting had the most significant news about Port Packages we have ever seen. If you are concerned about airport noise issues this will matter to you whether you have a Port Package or not. As background, I strongly encourage you to look at the presentation by Noise Program Manager Stan