
The STNI 2023 State Legislative Agenda A letter to members of the Washington State House and Senate representing the airport communities. On behalf of SeaTacNoise.Info: As always, thank you for your efforts this year on behalf of airport communities. They are much appreciated.However, I write today to say that not only are we not moving

It won’t be easy, but WA can launch the airport of the future

By  Tom Dent  and  Karen Keiser Special to The Times We are at the start of the greatest transformation in flight since the development of the jet engine. It is not going to happen overnight, and we won’t see large, emissions-free commercial aircraft anytime soon, but like what we have witnessed with space exploration, technological

The Sea-Tac Airport Annual Air Quality Monitoring Proposal (STAAQM)

This post describes a proposal we have put forward to Washington State legislators Senator Karen Keiser (33rd) and Representative Jesse Johnson (30th). In one sentence, we want an annual report of all key aviation-related emissions for every neighborhood affected by the operations from Sea-Tac Airport. We refer to this proposal as Sea-Tac Airport Annual Air

Letter to electeds on the importance of data collection

This letter is in support of a legislative proposal we have made concerning air quality monitors around Sea-Tac Airport. Senator Keiser, Rep. Orwall, Rep. Johnson. I know how busy you all are. I hope you will take 4 minutes to listen to this very good piece of audio. You can start at about 1:40.

SB6214 First Public Hearing

If you can, please us in Olympia in the J.A. Cherberg Building to provide public comment on SB6214. This is a bill sponsored by Karen Keiser and Tina Orwall which will, if passed, provide the first step towards obtaining updates and repairs for the nearly 10,000 homes and buildings with Port Packages. I cannot stress


Installing, repairing, replacing, and updating mitigation equipment installed within an impacted area. Installing, repairing, replacing, and updating mitigation equipment installed within an impacted area. Sponsors: Keiser Companion Bill: HB2315 Original Bill:  

With Sea-Tac nearly maxed out, where to land a new airport?

Paine Field is certain to be studied by a state commission looking for a “relief valve” or replacement. by Jerry Cornfield Monday, November 4, 2019 1:30am Herald Business JournalLocal NewsAviation and spaceEverettMukilteoPaine Field OLYMPIA — One day in the not-too-distant future, Seattle-Tacoma International Airport will be maxed-out for passengers and cargo. But the number of

Public Comment on SB5370: It’s about real competition

Public comment from House Transportation Committee, reviewing Karen Kaiser’s Senate Bill SSB5370. We’re now in the phase where the House Committee reviews the Senate vaersion and vice versa to (hopefully) come to agreed upon final versions which can be voted on. One possible speed bump. The Dept. Of Aviation rep. commented that his Dept. and