The Great Wall Of Sea-Tac

In 1996, the Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC) gave final approval to the Port of Seattle’s proposal to build a Third Runway. The airport was originally sited on a small plateau about 430 feet above sea level, which ended immediately at the west side of what is now Taxiway Tango. The basic struggle in airport

Runway embankment completed

Port of Seattle Commission president Pat Davis waves a construction flag to signal the dumping of the last load of fill dirt for the third runway at Seattle International Airport. Television cameras record the moment. Photo by Amber Trillo Tue, 11/07/2006 Port of Seattle staff celebrated on Oct. 30 the completion of the embankment for

Down-To-Earth Job — Sea-Tac’s Third Runway To Get Its Fill Of Dirt

Jack Broom Seattle Times Staff Reporter Let’s say you’ve been looking for a better view, but you don’t want to leave the neighborhood. Instead, you bring in fill dirt to raise your property so you can see over all your neighbors. Somehow you get the dirt to form a nice column straight up from your