Commercial Aviation Coordinating Commission Members

Voting Members Representative of commercial service airports and ports –County with a population of two million or more Jeffrey Brown Representative of commercial service airports and ports –Port in eastern WA with a runway of at least 13,500’ in lengthStroud Kunkle Representative of commercial service airports and ports –Commercial service airport in eastern WA located

Washington State Department Of Transportation Commercial Aviation Coordinating Commission

The Commercial Aviation Coordinating Commission was created by the Legislature and tasked WSDOT Aviation to provide staff support for coordinating and administering the commission and technical assistance as requested by commission members. By January 1, 2022 the commission will develop recommendations to meet Washington state critical aviation system capacity needs. In addition to recommending a new

Commercial Aviation Coordinating Commission (Video)

Commercial Aviation Coordinating Commission October 30, 10:00 am Agenda: Welcome/agenda review (introductions, binder orientation, defining the problem), highlights from legislation, Committee business (discussion of proposed charter, member responsibilities/nominations of chair & vice chair, overview of technical group topics), setting the stage/previous studies, discussion (Does the definition of commercial aviation make sense for this effort? Does

Second Airport

This provides a portal for information concerning the progress towards a second airport, which was studied and debated by the Commercial Aviation Coordinating Committee (or as they refer to themselves 'the CACC') from 2020-2023

*Why There Is No Second Airport In Site

I admit to a bit of Schadenfreüde whenever I attend a public forum of electeds where the potential siting of a second airport is to be discussed. Because I know I’ll be witnessing my electeds feeling frustrated, patronised and condescended to. Which is how I feel a hundred or so times a year when I