The Airport Improvement Program (AIP) provides grants to public agencies — and, in some cases, to private owners and entities — for the planning and development of public-use airports that are included in the National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems (NPIAS). See the AIP Glossary for a description of AIP-related terms. Grant History Look Up
ATAC Aviation Analysis Experts
Metroplex Environmental
An informational site created by ATAC Metroplex initiatives are under way or planned in 21 metropolitan areas across the country including Atlanta, Cleveland-Detroit, Charlotte, Dallas-Ft. Worth, Florida, Houston, Phoenix, Washington D.C., Denver, Northern and Southern California. The Metroplex Environmental team will be working on other metroplexes in the future. Please visit the site again in
Environmental Justice (EPA)
UW MOV-UP: Mobile ObserVations of Ultrafine Particles Study
The Mobile ObserVations of Ultrafine Particles (MOV-UP) Study is a two-year project, funded by the State of Washington, which aims to study air quality impacts of air traffic for communities located near, and below the flight paths of the SeaTac airport. The study will assess ultrafine PM concentrations within 10 miles of the airport in
Washington State RCW Title 53 – Concerning Port Districts
This link provides information on how the Port Of Seattle is structured and, in 53.54, the Noise Abatement section which controls the Avigation Easements. Title 53 is chock full of interesting stuff that we believe are worth study because they explain why the Port is so powerful. But when most airport ‘enthusiasts’ focus about it
Washington Aviation System Plan 2017 (WASP)
*2020 Update* WSDOT Aviation, with the assistance of consulting firm Kimley-Horn, has completed a new statewide Aviation Economic Impact Study for the Washington Aviation System. The study revealed the state’s 134 public-use airport system contributes 407,042 jobs, $26.8 billion in labor income, and $107 billion in total economic impact (business revenues) to our state’s economy and communities.
Berkeley Cool Climate Calculator
Carbon footprint estimator
FAA: Continuous Lower Energy, Emissions, and Noise (CLEEN) Program
The Continuous Lower Energy, Emissions and Noise (CLEEN) Program is the FAA’s principal environmental effort to accelerate the development of new aircraft and engine technologies and advance sustainable alternative jet fuels. Through the CLEEN Program, the FAA is a cost-sharing partner with industry. CLEEN projects develop technologies that will reduce noise, emissions, and fuel burn
Crime Reports
An on-line crime reporting system using Google Maps. The default location in this link is for Des Moines, but you can enter any city or zip code to get markers for all recent activity.