Hagens-Berman: Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (Sea-Tac) Pollution

Do you live within a five-mile radius of Seattle-Tacoma International Airport? Fill out the form to find out your rights » CASE STATUS Active ATTORNEYS Steve W. Berman Sean R. Matt Thomas E. Loeser Martin D. McLean Garth Wojtanowicz Shelby R. Smith Jacob Berman Abigail D. Pershing PRACTICE AREAS Class Action Environmental Litigation COURT Superior Court

Microsoft Worklab: Great Expectations — Making Hybrid Work, Work

Since the beginning of the COVID pandemic, Microsoft has been tracking the shift to remote work through their Worklab research division. But unlike other companies and pundits with various agenda, it has been doing something approaching unbiased research and legitimate analysis. Microsoft is doing a great public service in pursuing these studies. As we’ve pointed

EPA Enforcement and Compliance History Online (EPA)

Use EPA’s Enforcement and Compliance History Online website to search for facilities in your community to assess their compliance with environmental regulations. You can use ECHO to: Search for Facilities Investigate Pollution Sources Search for EPA Enforcement Cases Examine and Create Enforcement-Related Maps Analyze Trends in Compliance & Enforcement Data

Topographic Map.com (King County)

Topographic Map is a free Internet site that aggregates content from ESRI and OpenStreetMaps to create heat maps for given areas. This particular image shows the plateau (partially man-made) on which the airport sits.