Should you get an air purifier? If you live near the flight path, the answer is ‘Yes’. Not only because of the aviation emissions, but also because of roadway emissions, the increasing prevalence of wildfires, and, if you have a Port Package, the increased risk of indoor mold. So many choices… However, the question of
Are the airplanes getting louder and lower?
No. And maybe. Objectively speaking, individual aircraft flyovers near Sea-Tac Airport are not getting lower or louder. (Before you click away in disgust, note that some of our members live as low as ‘760’, ie. when correcting for sea level less than 400 feet directly under the belly of an aircraft. No one is more
Make a complaint
This page is for community members who wish to make a complaint about a single event, including a particularly noisy flight.
How do I determine if I have a Port Package or Avigation Easement?
Other than examining your windows, doors and insulation, you can find out if there is an Avigation Easement attached to your property. At some point, the owner of the home must have signed that easement in order to obtain the Port Package. So, how do you find that easement? Well, legally, it must be in
Part 150 for Dummies
The Federal regulations concerning community noise around Sea-Tac Airport Part 150 (Airport Noise Compatibility Planning) is a section of the Code of Federal Regulations governing the FAA and airports. The code describes a ‘voluntary’ study airports can do to determine the impacts of noise on surrounding communities. A Part 150 Study has all sorts of
Property Tax Appeal Cookbook
Sorry to be a tease but it’s not ready yet. This is the second most requested topic on the entire site so we decided it might be a good idea to put up a placeholder to describe what we’re doing. As of 1 September 2019, we’ve had nine homeowners successfully appeal their value assessments and
Recommended Legislation
Second Airport
So You Want A Port Package? Start Here
Thanks for contacting us. Why Bother Reading This? Getting a Port Package is a process. A long process that will likely take several years. Really. Even if they say ‘yes’, right away. It’s complicated and frustrating and confusing and we know you don’t want to hear that because you’re already upset by the noise. So
Why Can’t We Have A Curfew?
Blame it on ANCA , the Airport Noise And Capacity Act Of 1990. We keep trying to write a brief history of how all airport law regarding noise and pollution got subsumed from where it was (the EPA) into the FAA, but all people seem to really care about these days is WHY CAN’T WE