Happy New Year!

The SAMP and opportunities for change in the next three months Happy New Year to everyone who has followed and supported us since 2016. The coming year is going to be big and we’re changing in a few ways to try to keep up. The first thing you’ll notice is more frequent communications, which we’ll

State Legislation 2025 (draft)

State legislative sessions are a flurry of hundreds of bills, all of which live or die within a 105 day window. We forget that State legislators are part-timers, often with days jobs, and many with only a single staffer. They will only ever read a handful of the bills they are being pitched. Our list of items always tries to follow four simple rules: understandable, cost-effective, impactful, and above all, short.

Three ways to make an impact in Olympia this year Update (2024-12-05): The City of Des Moines has adopted these three items as its official legislative agenda. Thanks! #1. Fixed Site Air Quality Monitor In Des Moines Establish a fixed-site monitor around Sea-Tac Airport to monitor the south end of the flight path in Des

The Cost/Benefit Analysis

The 1994 DNL65 from the Third Runway overlaid on the 2024 SAMP Area of Potential Effect (APE) How can 30 years of growth yield no more noise, air quality or community mitigations?

Beyond the usual suspects in the SAMP Draft EA Comment Period During the Sustainable Airport Master Plan Draft EA Comment Period (SAMP) we know most people will focus on the noise and pollution. However, we also hope that readers, and especially cities, will focus on other areas which may prove just as useful in obtaining

We’d like some answers

10 questions for the Port of Seattle Many people concerned about all the flights from Sea-Tac Airport rightfully think about “making the planes go somewhere else.” Changing the flight paths. That matters. But while we’re working on that,  we should also focus on a much easier task, which we don’t focus on: doing what we

Part 150 is SAMP Part #1

Attend June 5, 6 and 8 workshops to learn about new noise boundaries Sea-Tac Airport is undertaking a Part 150 Study, a section of FAA regulations governing community noise impacts. These studies take several years to complete, but you should care now and attend the June 5, June 6 or June 8, Workshops for a


A sustainable future for everyone under the flight path We know where you want to go. But read our motto. After eight years building the largest historical library of any airport community in America, we’ve learned two things: Major improvements are possible. You are being constantly distracted from making them. Here are the five guiding

Where’s my John Dingell?

Unless you’re from Michigan you may not be aware of John Dingell, a congressman from the west side of Detroit and something of a legend on many levels. Some knew him as a friend of labor. Some as an insider with the auto industry. Some as one member of a political dynasty which persists to