The secret dispute behind cleaning Seattle’s only river

By  Lulu Ramadan Seattle Times staff reporter This article was produced for ProPublica’s Local Reporting Network and The Seattle Times, with support from the Investigative Journalism Fund. Sign up for Seattle Times newsletters and alerts and ProPublica’s Dispatches to get stories like this one as soon as they are published. Times Watchdog stories dig deep to hold power accountable, right wrongs and

Senator wants to reroute flights away from Southwest Boise, where he lives

By KEVIN FIXLER McClatchy Washington Bureau WASHINGTON — Twice each decade, Congress approves a bill to fund and set the policies for the federal agency that oversees the nation’s air travel. This year, one airport was singled out in a standalone section marked “miscellaneous” in the Senate version of the Federal Aviation Administration Reauthorization Act.

Biden nominates a former Obama official to run the Federal Aviation Administration

By  DAVID KOENIGThe Associated Press President Joe Biden on Thursday nominated a former Obama administration official to lead the Federal Aviation Administration after his first choice withdrew in March after running into opposition from Republican senators. The White House said Biden nominated Michael G. Whitaker, a former deputy administrator at the FAA. He is currently