Dear advocates,
Rep. Orwall and Senator Keiser introduced companion bills this session, HB 2103/SB 5955, relating to mitigating harm and improving equity in large port districts. Both bills have public hearings on the morning of Tuesday, 1/16/2024. Please see more information below about the hearing and testimony logistics.
If you are a harmed homeowner, or advocate, they need you to testify on behalf of the bill!
This bill will:
- Mitigate harm from air and noise pollution, by using a portion of Port property tax to be reinvested in communities harmed.
- Provide mitigation equipment to reduce air and noise pollution to harmed communities.
- Repair or replace failed mitigation equipment that has been previously installed.
- Require the Port to provide a yearly report of what has been done with the funds for the remedial mitigation program.
- Have King County (independent entity) contract with inspectors to conduct inspection for failed air packages.
- SB 5955 will be heard at 8 AM in the Senate Local Government, Land Use & Tribal Affairs Committee in Senate Hearing Room 3 in the John A. Cherberg (JAC) building on the Capitol campus.
- HB 2103 will be heard at 10:30 AM in the House Local Government Committee, House Hearing Room E in the John L. O’Brien (JLOB) building on the Capitol campus.
We need you to testify on behalf of either, or ideally both bills. We can help you with a statement.
- If you’d like to testify, you must register, and have the option to testify in person or remotely. Here is information about signing in to testify.(If you do plan to testify in-person, it makes sense to register for both HB2103 and SB5955 since they are scheduled so closely together.)
- This link provides more information about what to expect at committee hearings and preparing your remarks. You may also submit written testimony.
- Please see this page for links to a Capitol campus map and parking information.
Please let us know as soon as possible if you plan to testify on behalf of these bills. If you plan to testify in-person, we can help with transportation and getting you to the right meeting room.
Rep. Orwall and Senator Keiser will hold a press conference on Monday, 1/15 at 9 -9:30 AM in the Senate Rules Room, which is in the lieutenant governor’s office on the second floor at the SE corner of the Legislative (Capitol) building. You are invited to attend. Please let us know if you are able to attend the press conference.
You support is greatly appreciated.
Hello I purchased a property in Northeast Seattle 14 miles north of the airport. I am under excessive constant pressure from jet noise.. it’s affecting my health , my profession (as a property manager) and my well-being and I am asking for my elected officials, and government officials at the FAA as well as local residents in Seattle that may or may not be in the jet pass to come together and help the people who live under these unhealthy and illegal jet paths.
We live at 1714 NE 120thSt. In Seattle, Wa, the Pinehurst neighborhood. Since the FAA implemented Next Gen over our densely populated neighborhoods we are being bombarded constantly every 40 to 50 seconds with jets flying southbound into SeaTac over the
roof of our dead end road. Sea Tac has said they have not changed operations since the early 1990’s. This may be true but we never had next gen where the planes fly constantly in the same flight path over and over and over every couple
of seconds where it is similar to water torture in the war! The constant noise is literally driving
all of us insane and affecting our health. The ultra fine particles from the planes studies have found cause CANCER, which non of us want to get! We cannot go outside now without our masks on and are NOW smelling jet fuel! The planes roar over our house until after midnight and then start up again roaring at 5:30 am! We are all EXHAUSTED from only 5 hours of
sleep and our job performance has really gone down hill from being so tired! We are praying for RELIEF from this living HELL, which keeps getting worse and worse with the huge growth from SEATAC! No one should be subject to this TORTURE! PLEASE help us all out!!!!!