The agenda for Wednesday night’s (April 26, 2023) Quiet Skies Puget Sound (“QSPS”) informal meetup at the Quarterdeck in Des Moines – including discussing how local elections matter for airport noise and pollution issues, as well as a review of last week’s bombshell filing of a class action lawsuit against the Port of Seattle – took an
Quiet Skies Puget Sound issues statement on new class action lawsuit against Port of Seattle; holding meetup Wednesday night
Quiet Skies Puget Sound (“QSPS”) on Tuesday, April 25, 2023 issued a statement addressing last week’s filing of a Class Action Lawsuit against the Port of Seattle for airport noise and pollution. The group intends to discuss the lawsuit tomorrow at tomorrow’s scheduled, informal meetup event at Quarterdeck in Des Moines. Each meetup beings with a short
LETTER: Port of Seattle responds – ‘Airport programs create habitat, strengthen native species’
LETTER: Port of Seattle responds – ‘Airport programs create habitat, strengthen native species’ Aug 9, 2022 | Des Moines, Environment, Featured Post, Health & Wellness, Health and Wellness, Letter to the Editor, Letter to the Editor, News, Opinion LETTER: Port of Seattle responds – ‘Airport programs create habitat, strengthen native species’ [EDITOR’S NOTE: The following
LETTER: Ask our Port Commissioners to preserve North SeaTac Park by selling to the City of SeaTac
Jul 31, 2022 | Des Moines, Environment, Featured Post, Health & Wellness, Health and Wellness, Letter to the Editor, Letter to the Editor, News, Non-profit, Politics, Sea-Tac Airport, SeaTac [EDITOR’S NOTE: The following is a Letter to the Editor, written by a verified resident. It does not necessarily reflect the opinions of The Waterland Blog, nor its staff:] Ask our Port Commissioners to Preserve North SeaTac Park by Selling
Port of Seattle Commission approves Miller Creek restoration & noise monitors
The Port of Seattle Commission approved a motion this week to restore a segment of Miller Creek in Burien and SeaTac, as well as for the purchase of five portable noise monitors to be deployed in King County communities, including one on Vashon Island. The motion to negotiate an inter-local agreement to contribute $800,000 to
Council ’suspends participation’ in airport advisory group, citing violation of due process
By Jack Mayne The Des Moines City Council unanimously voted at its Aug. 8 study session to suspend participation in the Port of Seattle’s airport Stakeholder Advisory Round Table, also known as StART. Earlier in the same week, on Monday Aug. 5, the Burien City Council, citing similar reasons, suspended participation in the same “stakeholder” group.
Cantwell, Smith secure $9.1 million for Noise Mitigation in Highline Public Schools
U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell (D-WA), ranking member of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, and Congressman Adam Smith (WA-09), chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, on Tuesday (June 25) announced that $9.1 million in federal funding was awarded to support noise mitigation projects at schools in Highline Public Schools. These funds will
Des Moines, other cities, hire consultant to seek ways to control airport noise
By Jack Mayne At Thursday night’s (June 5) Des Moines City Council study session, lawmakers heard from aviation consultants the city has hired to help steer the city through increases in aviation traffic noise and pollution affecting Des Moines and the other Sea-Tac Airport concerned participants, Burien, SeaTac and Normandy Park. The consultants’ major point
Mayor, Council strongly support City Manager pay raise despite social media flak
By Jack Mayne City Manager Michael Matthias’s pay raise got unanimous Des Moines City Council approval Thursday night (April 11) as Mayor Matt Pina defended the action after a minor storm on Facebook criticized the actions of a week earlier. A week earlier Matthias’ salary was approved to increase to $199,000 at a meeting that
League Of Quiet Skies Voters Announced
Citizen groups and activists from communities neighboring Sea-Tac Airport, including Quiet Skies Puget Sound, Burien’s Quiet Skies Coalition, the Federal Way Air Noise Alliance, and The Briefing Project, have formed the new “League of Quiet Skies Voters,” to assure that impacts from recent and proposed airport expansion on human health and the environment are a