Port Package Update Survey: more questions than answers

Sample question from SIRRPP Survey
Sample question from SIRRPP Survey

Including only a third of the homes is not the half of it As we’ve been reporting, the Port Package Update program, now called the Sound Insulation Repair/Replacement Pilot Program has had pitfalls at every turn. The most obvious concern we had is that the survey was sent to 3,200 homes, which is only a

Let’s fix the program to fix Port Packages!

Timeline from Highline Forum SIRRPP Presentation
Timeline from Highline Forum SIRRPP Presentation

May 28, 2024 Public Comment to the Port of Seattle Commission on SIRRPP Commissioners, I think it’s fair to say that when we all worked so hard last winter to create a Port Package Update program–now formally known as the Sound Insulation Repair/Replacement Pilot Program (SIRRPP), stakeholders such as our over 1,000 members assumed we’d