Two court victories on Schiphol airport and KLM airlines!

Press Release on March 20th 2024 – Today, a historic verdict ruled that Schiphol Amsterdam airport has to reduce its flights to a maximum of 400,000 a year. Yesterday, another court ruled that the Dutch airline KLM has misled customers with its green claims. These victories against corporate polluters are a result of growing citizen’s

District Court of The Hague Case number: C-09-632625-HA ZA 22-610 Foundation For The Right To Protection Against Aircraft Noise (RBV) vs. The State of Netherlands

ECLI:NL:RBDHA:2024:3734   Authority District Court of The Hague Date of judgment 20-03-2024 Date of publication 20-03-2024 Case number C-09-632625-HA ZA 22-610 Jurisdictions Civil law FeaturesSubstantive action, First instance – multiple Content indication Government liability; 8 ECHR; Aviation Act 1.1. In these proceedings, RBV claims that the District Court should rule that the State has acted unlawfully

Schiphol capped to 400,000 flights without establishing balanced approach

This is a machine translation from Dutch. Today the judge in The Hague served a historic verdict. The government has squandered the interests of local residents of Schiphol for decades and must now comply with the law. That means an end to anticipatory That means an end to anticipatory maintenance and up to 400,000 flights.

Amsterdam Airport Schiphol to introduce new noise reduction measures

In partnership with LVNL, Amsterdam Airport Schiphol has developed a joint programme of measures to reduce noise emissions caused by air traffic. Credit: Amsterdam Airport Schiphol – CEO of the Royal Schiphol Group, Dick Benschop, and Michiel van Dorst, CEO of LVNL. Amsterdam Airport Schiphol (AMS) has partnered with Air Traffic Control the Netherlands (LVNL)