Bill to reduce health disparities at Sea-Tac misses key deadline We want to extend our deepest thanks to everyone who supported SB 5652, Senator Tina Orwall’s bill to help reduce environmental and health disparities for communities impacted by Sea-Tac Airport. Unfortunately, the bill did not advance past the legislative cutoff date and will not move
SB5652 first hearing at Senate Environment Committee
Bill to reduce health disparities at Sea-Tac gets community support and firm Port opposition Senator Tina Orwall’s introduced her bill to help reduce environmental and health disparities and improve the health of airport community residents, SB 5652 was heard in the Senate Environment, Energy & Technology Committee. Text of SB5652 SB 5652 aims to reduce
Call To Action: Support SB5652 Tuesday, February 18 @ 1:30PM
Sign in Pro and provide testimony. Help reduce noise and pollution for communities under the flight path! Senator Tina Orwall’s bill to help reduce environmental and health disparities and improve the health of airport community residents, SB 5652, is scheduled for a public hearing on Tuesday, 2/18 at 1:30 PM in the Senate Environment, Energy