LETTER: Ask our Port Commissioners to preserve North SeaTac Park by selling to the City of SeaTac

Jul 31, 2022 | Des Moines, Environment, Featured Post, Health & Wellness, Health and Wellness, Letter to the Editor, Letter to the Editor, News, Non-profit, Politics, Sea-Tac Airport, SeaTac [EDITOR’S NOTE: The following is a Letter to the Editor, written by a verified resident. It does not necessarily reflect the opinions of The Waterland Blog, nor its staff:] Ask our Port Commissioners to Preserve North SeaTac Park by Selling

Airport noise and health impacts? Not going to fly with concerned citizens

Larry Cripe and quiet skies Puget sound – Larry Cripe, president of Burien’s Quiet Skies Coalition, spoke about the need for a second regional airport during Quiet Skies Puget Sound community forum on the evening of Wednesday, April 26. A panel of speakers -- from left, Des Moines City Manager Michael Matthias, Founder of Aviation Impact Reform Jeff Lewis, Burien City Council member Debi Wagner, King County Council member Dave Upthegrove, Representative Tina Orwall and Founder of Quiet Skies Puget Sound Sheila Brush – gathered to answer community members’ questions during the event.

05/02/2017 By Lindsay Peyton Gasps emanated from the crowd gathered at the Quiet Skies Puget Sound community forum when lawyer Steve Edmiston projected one of the first slides of his presentation. He showed a map published by the Environmental Projection Agency, followed by an alarming statistic, placing Des Moines’ Mount Rainier High School in the