The Port Package Explainer

A severe example of damage from a poor Port Package installation. Moisture gets behind the window and over time causes the framing to rot. If the member is load bearing, eventually, this can cause the entire wall to deform.

The history of sound insulation systems around Sea-Tac airport Over the past thirty years roughly 9,400 homes have received noise mitigation retro-fits from the Port Of Seattle known as ‘Port Packages’. Many people think of a Port Package as ‘windows’, but really they are a complete system, which often takes the form of sound-rated windows, doors

FAA: Airport Environmental Programs

The Airport Environmental Programs help airports implement the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and other Federal environmental laws and regulations. This includes airport noise compatibility planning (Part 150), airport noise and access restrictions (Part 161), environmental review for airport development, and the application of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of